EPA Method 21 Leak Detection Using ION Science PIDs
EPA Method 21 is the standard procedure for leak detection and fugitive emissions monitoring for VOCs. A continuously detecting meter is used to check joints and valves on pipelines and vessels, and if a significant leak is detected, repairs must be done. Any instrument can be used as long as it meets the specifications listed in Table 1. The ION Science MiniPID 2 PPM WR Sensor allows leak detectors to meet all these requirements.
Leak Definition
Method 21 does not define the leak threshold, i.e., the concentration of VOC detected that, if exceeded, is declared a leak requiring repair. Other regulations define the threshold depending on the industry and/or chemical of concern. For example, 40 CFR, 60 Subpart VV, defines a leak as either 500 ppm or 10,000 ppm, depending on the type of valve or device.
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